
Mad Vancouver Skillz on Flickr.
Via Flickr:
Arnaud displays the new skills he’s learned in a couple years in Vancouver. His umbrella arm is still too weak to pass for a local but still, an impressive display.
Not the greatest fidelity in this file, shot on HP5+ with the Linhof III and the precious (Voigtländer 210mm f/4.5 Heliar) and copied on the light table with my Canon 6D and Zuiko 50mm f/3.5 macro through the negative sleeve. Serviceable for the web though.

Congratulations Jason and Angela on Flickr.
Via Flickr:
While I’d never claim (or want!) to be a wedding photographer, I’ve shot my share of nuptials over the last quarter century. Never a particularly fun task at the best of times, wedding photography is probably the hardest job in the industry. My hat goes off to those who can do it week in and week out.
A couple Sundays ago though, I had the distinct pleasure to photograph Jason and Angela’s wedding. An especially great honour given that I’ve known Angela since she was a little girl.
She’s Greek, he’s Italian so, as you might guess, it was one hell of a wedding. When I finally put my camera down at 10:30 that night, Angela’s Grandmother was still tearing up the dance floor and the the sounds of shattering plates were wafting gently out into the night air.
So glad to see you all grown up with a great guy to share your life with Angela. All the best!

NICU Annual(isn) Reunion #3 on Flickr.
Via Flickr:
Thanks so much to Jenn and Tim for offering up their place to keep our annual NICU reunion picnic alive in spite of the unexpected rain this morning. Everyone was able to make it except Nyana, who was greatly missed by her many suitors.
All the kids are doing great and, the added bonus this year of all being machinery free! Trying to get 6 2-3 year olds to line up for a picture was, however, pretty impossible so, you get the added benefit of seeing all their Mom’s too this year.
Amazing how much they’ve all grown. FIrst annual picnic and last year.
Kodot Verichrome Film, Kaimal Mark II Lens, No Flash
Roboto Glitter Lens, Alfred Infrared Film, No Flash
BlackKeys SuperGrain Film, Jimmy Lens, No Flash
Poprocket, Flash

6 Stages of Awake on Flickr.
Via Flickr:
Trajan illustrates the 6 stages of waking up from a summer nap in this hexaptych.

An Engagement with Light on Flickr.
Via Flickr:
Dennis Oppenheim’s ‘Engagement’ in the foreground, Canada’s entry in the Honda Celebration of Light in the background, Trajan gazing in awe and one of my best friends ever out for a visit with her three boys.
‘twas a good night.

The Last Illuminares Festival on Flickr.
Via Flickr:
Public Dreams is facing financial problems so, this year was a scaled back last kick at the can for Trout Lake’s Illuminares lantern festival.

Relaxing on Flickr.
Via Flickr:
Trajan catches his breath after an epic tickle war, secure in the knowledge that he won hands down.