
Hours of Fun on Flickr.
Via Flickr:
Play date at Trajan’s good buddy Tycho’s place. In which Dad learns that the hundreds of dollars we’ve spent on toys was all money wasted. We should’ve just gotten drapes in the living room instead.

Pavillion on Flickr.
Via Flickr:
Now, I don’t get out to UBC much so am always stumbling across interesting buildings when I do. On Sunday, I was on my way to the Museum of Anthropology to shoot a performance in the Coastal First Nations Dance Festival when this marvellous structure caught my eye. How could I have missed such a stunning (and large) modernist installation as this for almost 25 years? I took note and stopped to investigate further after the show.
Well, imagine my surprise when google revealed that I missed this previously because it’s relatively new!
Pavillion is a remodelling of the courtyard of the Buchanan Block that was just completed recently (looks like just last year from the article). What a splendid thing!

Skinning the White Whale on Flickr.
Via Flickr:
Work is already well underway on the massive remodelling of the former Eaton’s building at Georgia and Granville.
While spared the dynamiting that this life sucking behemoth most definitely deserves, the finished project will be a great improvement over the famous ‘toilet’ with all of it’s white cladding replaced with glass. Once completed, it will be home to a Nordstrom’s.

Out of Concern for Mom on Flickr.
Via Flickr:
Explained the old saw ‘Step on a crack, break your mother’s back’ the other day. Walks in the park have gotten a bit more challenging for Trajan in light of this information. Lisa’s back continues to be without problem though so, absent any evidence to the contrary, it appears to be working.

Meh. on Flickr.
Via Flickr:
In case your lust for overpriced pub food with pretensions to gourmet hasn’t already been satiated by the Cactus Club at Burrard and Dunsmuir (about 3 blocks away), Robson St (about 5 blocks away), English Bay (about 10 blocks away) or, any of the couple dozen other locations throughout the lower mainland, fear not. The gargantuan Cactus Club on the west side of Jack Poole Plaza at the Convention Center is opening soon.

battery opera | Dance Festival on Flickr.
Via Flickr:
Su-Feh of Battery Opera will be remounting her spectacular collaboration with Victoria’s Jung-Ah at the Vancouver Dance Festival this week. I was privileged to shoot this piece in 2011 (including the shot used here) and, am very much looking forward to being able to sit back and enjoy it once again.
A few other shots from this show:
Get your tickets here:

Birthday Bouquet on Flickr.
Via Flickr:
Yesterday was that day every year when my lovely wife gets exponentially lovelier. Not sure how she does it but, as the years pass, she just gets more and more beautiful. It’s now over 20 years since we met and I can’t think of anyone else I’d rather have spent that time with.
Low key celebrations this year, Emperor in his summer palace at Grandma’s, Barry White on endless repeat, a fabulous dinner at Market in the Shangri-La and cocktails at home. Life is indeed good.
A test shot of her birthday bouquet taken with my recently acquired Vivitar 2x Macro Teleconverter and an Olympus OM 135mm f/3.5 on Ektar from way on the other side of the apartment (270mm focal length with the doubler). I’m pretty happy with it, there’s a lot more sharpness there than this low-ish res lab scan shows.

Famed International Supermodel checks out her latest Tear Sheet on Flickr.
Via Flickr:
The model known simply as ‘Ny’ looks at her latest tear sheet, in the prestigious French journal ‘BOP Photo Analogies’.
Get your copy here:
- Henry David Thoreau, Walden (via northcountrygent)