
21 Months Plus a Day on Flickr.
Via Flickr:
Here, Lisa tries to keep up with Trajan at the Richmond Night Market. Trying to keep up is what we spend most of our time doing these days.
Sigh. I think this is the part where we realize that there’s a reason people have kids in their 20’s. :-)

Alex Cuba Gets Down on Flickr.
Via Flickr:
Alex Cuba, definitely the funkiest cat in Smithers, BC, gets (way) down while performing during Canada Day 2012 celebrations at Jack Poole Plaza last week.
Look at it big, this is a 1/2 frame crop from the Fuji. Very nearly unlimited resolving power with that wonderful 90mm Fujinon!

Latin-couver Lovelies on Flickr.
Via Flickr:
These lovely ladies were part of Latin-couver that took place last weekend on Granville Street. Seen here posing outside of a suit shop on Granville. It was sadly rainy when I was there on the Saturday, taking a bit of the sizzle out of things but, warmed up nicely on Canada Day.

Enter the Labyrinth on Flickr.
Via Flickr:
Strathcona Labyrinth. Seen on a Vancouver 4/3’s group wander through Chinatown and Strathcona with Eric on June 30th, the last day of January 2012.
Sadly, a little rain scared everyone else off so it was just Eric and I but, (damp) fun was had nonetheless.

First dip into the ocean on Flickr.
Via Flickr:
While he’s spent a lot of time at the beach, We kept Trajan away from the chilly waters off Vancouver last year. Now that he’s a big boy, no worries so, he went for his first tenative dip into the wet last night at Third Beach in Stanley Park.
Shooting directly into the sun with the Horizon creates some seriously strange flare as the lens swings across the frame. I think with some practise, it could produce some interesting effects. Or not. :P

East Hastings Dyptich on Flickr.
Via Flickr:
The Horizon is fun vertical too.
That is not Trajan’s stroller parked outside Funky Winkerbean’s though, I must make very clear. If we’re going to nip into the pub for a pint or two, we make sure to give a hobo a toonie to watch him!
(just kidding, of course. If we want to nip out for a pint, Grandma’s always at the ready to babysit!)

Life in the time of Septimius Severus on Flickr.
Via Flickr:
Stripped of most of it’s copper in 1997 the penny has been discontinued by Emperor Severus, er Prime Minister Harper and, it’s big brother’s the Loonie and Toonie have now been debased to but a shadow of their former selves as well, requiring the recalibration of every vending machine in the country.
This enterprising penny* isn’t taking things lying down, gathering up his brethren to mount an all out counter-attack against the indignities being inflicted on Canadian Coinage.
*Actually, he was gathering donations for three very worthy charities as part of the Penny Party. You might as well give them your pennies, darn things have hardly any copper in them anymore.

A Swingin’ Lens for a Swingin’ Dude on Flickr.
Via Flickr:
From the first test roll out of my latest toy, a Horizon 202 panorama camera. Silly fun indeed.

Words were Exchanged. on Flickr.
Via Flickr:
And the nice lady with the walker sent the guys in the lowrider off bouncing down Howe Street.