They’re bequeathed to me from by arbiters of taste. One must be chosen.

Watch that last step on Flickr.
Via Flickr:
Point Grey stairwell. $6 Million doesn’t buy what it used to.

Enough of trifling miniature cameras. Loftus Lens, DC Film, No Flash, Taken with Hipstamatic Time for some serious street shooting.

Happy First Birthday William! on Flickr.
Via Flickr:
Actually a couple weeks overdue but, his party was today. Here, he’s just starting to get into the cake. I don’t think he’s going to sleep for a week!
BTW, I’ve now officially been to more kids parties in the last 20 months than I attended in the previous 40 years! The Emperor’s going to stay at Grandma’s tonight though so that Mom and I can socialize with adults tonight while we still remember how (or at least think we do)! Don’t expect any commenting before noon tomorrow. ;-)

Chelsea on Flickr.
Via Flickr:
It was a very busy spring. All sorts of projects in motion that will start to bear fruit in the coming months but nowhere near enough time behind the camera for my liking so, it was a real pleasure to shoot Chelsea’s portraits yesterday.
I’ve known her since the heady days of the Passion House Café on Thurlow a lifetime ago but, we had lost contact until recently. I was most pleased when she contacted me to commission her portrait and, we spent a lovely afternoon taking pictures and catching up .

Father’s Day 2012 on Flickr.
Via Flickr:
Trajan totally flaked on breakfast in bed this Junuary Sunday morning but, I think I can let this one slide. He was thoughtful enough to sleep in a bit today, something Dad totally appreciates.
Happy Father’s Day to my Dad, all the Dad’s I know and, most importantly…Me!

20 Months Plus a Day on Flickr.
Via Flickr:
Astounding, just four short months from time to end this series and start with the much more infrequent ‘x Years Plus a Day’ series. Oh, how the time flies. Our formerly little dude is casting an increasingly large shadow.
Trajan’s become a full fledged, card carrying member of the concrete jungle in the last month. Running is a big thing now and Dad is sore and tired at the end of most days.