
Vancouver Pen EE2 User Group Meetup Diptych on Flickr.
Via Flickr:
Such a serious group with such silly cameras. The next 72 exposures appear to be crucial to both Will and Arnaud’s essential being and their relationship to the world into which they’ve been thrown.
Damn moody Europeans! ;-)
Taken in the parking lot Midway at Lougheed Mall, Burnaby on our way home from the swap meet where each of them purchased an Olympus Pen EE2 and other less genteel items of vintage photographic miscellaney.
Olympus OM-2s, Zuiko 85mm f/2.0, Tri-X @800, developed in Rodinal at 1:50 for 16.5 minutes.

The Cruel Hand of Fate on Flickr.
Via Flickr:
Last night, Trajan had his first sleepover at Grandma’s so, Lisa and I were footloose, fancy free and on the town into the wee hours, looking forward to our first truly lazy Sunday morning in over 18 months.
Fate is a cruel mistress though. This morning was also the Vancouver Marathon, the course of which runs just past our place (middle tower in the background) and, who should set up on the corner to urge the runners on but Vancouver’s own Carnival Band. Just what I needed, a marching band parked under my window, while someone metaphorical slammed a sledge hammer against my head all morning.
The band played all morning and into the afternoon as the last straggles completed the marathon and, although the works of Sousa were not at all what I needed as a soundtrack to this morning, I will give them credit. While the Carnival band was, to my understanding, started as a bit of a joke some years ago, they’ve gotten quite good in the last few years and are definitely the most colourful marching band in town.

And More… on Flickr.
Via Flickr:
Steveston Village, Richmond, BC.
Rolleiflex Automat, Kodak Portra 800-2

Because Jeff Complained… on Flickr.
Via Flickr:
We now return you to your regularly scheduled shots of Trajan walking, running, climbing things and generally being adorable. This time, with Mom outside the Gulf of Georgia Cannery at Steveston Village. Consider your complaint noted and responded, Jeff. Case closed. ;-)
Rolleiflex Automat, Kodak Portra 800-2. Seriously loving this film but, it would not be an option on a sunny day, what with the effective 1/250th of a second top speed on my Automat. It does have 1/500th as well but, that clocked out at 1/275 when I last had it overhauled so, it might as well not exist on the dial!

Some Lovely Flowers on Flickr.
Via Flickr:
Just to prove that I can indeed still point the camera at scenes that don’t include Trajan. ;-)
Steveston Village, Richmond. Rolleiflex Automat, Kodak Porta 800-2. This film scans beautifully, this image has only been sharpened, otherwise straight off the scanner!
I’ve had several images accepted into this show, opening on Friday, May 11 at the Photo Haus Gallery. Come on down and say hi!

“Back when I was your age…” on Flickr.
Via Flickr:
Trajan tells his good mate Tycho about all the crazy changes in the world since he was Tycho’s age, lo those 8 months ago.
Tycho soaks it all in with the awe and attention of a 19 year old having his first beer at a Royal Canadian Legion, feverishly gripping their meat draw ticket.
“Back when I was your age, it was autumn! The leaves were falling. Did you hear that? Falling!”

Swinging at the playground on Flickr.
Via Flickr:
Who doesn’t love it? This is from Sunday. Today, he tried the big boy swing, just a seat without anything to hold him in. The kid’s a real daredevil.

More Vancouver Fan Expo Shots on Flickr. (click through to see more)
Via Flickr:
I’m an old codger, comparatively so, don’t have a clue who any of these people are dressed up as. They were all fun to shoot though, just one shot each. The sport finder is not particularly useful with eyeglasses, I think I need to pony up and get one of the Linhof zoom finders. Focus wasn’t much of a problem, all of these are shot at f/11 with fill flash and zone focusing, with a quick check on the rangefinder when I wasn’t quite sure (always been horrible at guessing distances!).
Tried to keep the compositions fairly loose but, still managed to misalign my eye to the frame of the sport finder a few times. Practise makes perfect though! 8 reasonable shots out of a pack of 10 is a pretty decent run in my books. I’ll definitely be doing more of this type of work with the Linhof.