
Vancouver Fan Expo Knight on Flickr.
Via Flickr:
The Cosplay kids were out in full force today at the Convention Center for Fan Expo Vancouver so, I grabbed a pack of Fujiroid and the Linhof to test out my recently acquired Sports Finder. Fun was had. This gentleman is dressed as a character that I’m assuming just about any 20 something out there knows intimately from some video game or comic book. As a 40 something, I haven’t a clue who he is.
More to come when I get caught up on my editing for paid gigs.
Fuji FP100-C shot handheld with a Linhof Technika III sporting a 150mm Schneider Xenar and a Vivitar 283 for fill flash.

I’m sick and tired of your… on Flickr.
Via Flickr:
Seriously. Some dog owners in this town would benefit greatly from a swift punch to the throat (or three).
On Georgia Street, Olympus XA, Konica Centuria 100 of highly questionable provenance.

18 months plus a day on Flickr.
Via Flickr:
I know, I know, I’ve been seriously slacking off with my ‘plus a day’ series. It was tough through the winter months to get a good shot on the 14th each month, between horrid weather, colds and generally being insanely busy. Not today though, I not only shot it on film but, also got it processed and scanned before 10:00 PM. Yay me!
As you can see, the Emperor is walking now, not a baby any longer. He’s not walking full time quite yet but, more and more each day. This morning, we rode the bike out to Third Beach bright and early so I could introduce him to walking on sand, he quite liked the beach last summer but, primarily ate sand at that point!
He was pretty uncertain about this ground that wasn’t quite stable and reverted to crawling shortly after this shot but, was doing pretty good up to that point.
He certainly isn’t the 2lb little boy who came into the world so unexpectedly 18 months and a day ago now though. Weighed in at a whopping 26lbs on Tuesday while getting his immunizations, has nailed all of his development targets and is an absolute terror at the gymboree. He remains an incredibly social kid although, he’s started to get pretty grumpy if Mom or Dad leave the room of late.
Shot with an Olympus XA @f/8 on Konica Centuria 100 neg film of decidedly questionable provenance.

Screwmount Shootout on Flickr.
Via Flickr:
Thanks to a good friend for the loaner Canon 7s and 50mm f/1.8 I’ll be heading out today to contrast the state of the 1960’s art of Japanese and Russian lenses.
On deck are the Canon 50mm f/1.8, of which I’m told this particular one flares like crazy, the Russian Jupiter 50mm f/2.0 which I know aquits itself surprisingly well and, the Jupiter 50mm f/1.5, which I’ve only shot adapted to my Olympus DSLR in closeup, which produced some dreamy results.
Out and about with the Dude all day, should be ample opportunity to blast through a couple rolls of film.

Play Date with Oliver on Flickr.
Via Flickr:
Trajan was pretty happy to see his old mate Oliver this morning. They used to beep in unison. Back in the day, when they beeped. Now, they mostly laugh.

Center Stage on Flickr.
Via Flickr:
While it was his Mom and Dad’s big day, Trajan’s mate Tycho didn’t let that stop him from taking center stage last Sunday at the Rowing Club, quite literally, in his spiffy 1954 Chevy Bel Air ragtop. He was just happy that Mom and Dad went legit, as were we. Congrats guys!
Fuji GW670III, Ilford Delta 3200 exposed at 1000 ISO and processed in HC-110 Dil B for 9 min.

Where’s Bruno Gerussi when you really need him? on Flickr.
Via Flickr:
Driftwood piles up on Wreck Beach. Taken on an unexpectedly rigourous wander with Bill and Shane.
Kodak Ektar 100, Fuji GW670III

Self Perpetuating on Flickr.
Via Flickr:
A forest is primarily composed of dead trees that provide a platform for new growth. This old timer in Stanley Park is a prime example of that.
Tri-X 320, 15 min Rodinal @ 1:50, Fuji GW670III